Organizational Processes

Competency Model Development

Organizational effectiveness is contingent on many factors including an organization’s ability to identify and develop its future leaders. Without a formal process in place to solicit, define and build leadership talent and bench strengths, organizations risk the eventual loss of appropriate staff and management to achieve strategic plans. In the current climate of spending cuts and staff reductions, competency modeling has an increasingly important contribution to make. It is a highly cost effective management tool enabling organizations and managers to focus limited staff resources on the most important objectives.

A well designed competency model can:

  • Demonstrate corporate priorities and values
  • Focus recruiting efforts
  • Connect competence to performance
  • Assist in career development
  • Aid in succession planning and talent management

Developing an effective competency model, however, is complex. It needs to be clear, relevant to staff and managers, easy to apply, and fair to all. E. K. Ward & Associates can help you to develop a best-practice competency model that can easily be repeated, measured, and customized to ensure a positive outcome. Drawing from our comprehensive and proven competency dictionary, we work to make the process easy, ensuring that the model is future-oriented, and integrated into other HR policies and processes.

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